I am building a web service that includes some methods to do a specific job here is one of the web inferface methods:
public DatingUserInfo[] GetAll(String gender);
this method should return an array of DatingUserInfo
the implimentation of this method is:
public DatingUserInfo[] GetAll(String gender) {
DatingUserInfo[] ret_arr;
ArrayList<DatingUserInfo> usrs=new ArrayList<DatingUserInfo>();
//fill the list with objects of DatingUserInfo//
ret_arr= new DatingUserInfo[usrs.size()];
return ret_arr;
in the client-side when running the WSimport tool to get the required file I get this in one of the generated files:
@WebMethod(operationName = "GetAll")
@WebResult(targetNamespace = "")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "GetAll", targetNamespace = "http://datingsvr/", className = "client.GetAll")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "GetAllResponse", targetNamespace = "http://datingsvr/", className = "client.GetAllResponse")
@Action(input = "http://datingsvr/DatingServer/GetAllRequest", output = "http://datingsvr/DatingServer/GetAllResponse")
public List<DatingUserInfo> getAll(
@WebParam(name = "arg0", targetNamespace = "")
String arg0);
the returned type is List instead of DatingUserInfo[], what could cause that to make WSimport generates a wrong code?!
thanks in advance.
WSimport tool automatically by default replaces returned arrays to lists.