I am creating a page that allows a user to delete their account/profile. On this page, I have a text box where the user types their email address to confirm they are indeed the current user and that they want to delete their account (upon button click).
What I want to do is, when the user clicks the "Delete Account" button below the text box, I want to grab that text and compare it to the current user's email account. If it matches, I want to delete the user's account. If not, I want to flash an error message.
I have some of the logic figured out, and I will paste what I have below. Right now, if you click the 'Delete Account' button it deletes the user's account and redirects to the home page, and flashes a 'goodbye' message on the home page. However, there is no comparison functionality b/t current user's email and text box entry. I'm not sure if I can do this in Rails or if I will have to incorporate JavaScript. I am using Devise and Cancan.
Please be as explicit as possible, I am fairly new to Rails. Thank you!
Email box and button are at /settings/profile/delete, file is 'delete.html.haml'.
The email box
= label :email, 'Email Address'
= email_field :email, 'Enter your email address', id: 'delete-email-box'
The Delete Account Button (below email box)
= link_to 'Delete Account', user_registration_path, method: :delete, data:
{ confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete your account? This cannot be
undone!' }, class: submit btn-delete'
= link_to 'Cancel', profile_index_path, id: 'cancel-profile'
def delete
@user = current_user
@profile = current_user.profile
def destroy
@user = current_user
@profile = current_user.profile
if @profile.destroy
redirect_to root_url, notice: "User deleted."
Just looked at how to make a form to delete items and found this. So your form would look like this:
<% form_for(:user, :url => path_for_your_destroy_action(@user), :html => {:method => :delete}) do %>
email: <%= text_field_tag :mail %>
<%= submit_tag "Delete" %>
<% end %>
Now inside your destory method you could simply check if email matches current users email and if it does that delete his account:
def destroy
if current_user.email == params[:email]
redirect_to your_path, notice: "user deleted"
render "your_form", notice: "invalid email"