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MinuteProject First Trial nullpointer exception

I am trying to use minuteproject to generate openxava files. My config is the similar to the one in demo file. I get exception. I checked my jdbc url and couldn't find an error. This is my first trial with minuteproject. I want to learn it very much because I was looking for a framework like this (minuteproject + openxava) for a long time. Thank you for your time :) Ferda

I will add my config file here. I try to reverse engineer only one file not whole database. My database is MS SQL.

<!DOCTYPE root>
        <model name="evrak" version="1.0" package-root="">
                <!-- for Oracle and DB2 please set the schema
                <schema> </schema>
                <primaryKeyPolicy oneGlobal="true" oneForEachTable="false">
                    <primaryKeyPolicyPattern prefix="" suffix="" name="sequencePattern" sequenceName="hibernate_sequence"></primaryKeyPolicyPattern>
                    <!-- for autogenerated pk (mysql)
                    <primaryKeyPolicyPattern name="autoincrementPattern" ></primaryKeyPolicyPattern>
                    <condition type="exclude" startsWith="DUAL"></condition>
                    <condition type="exclude" startsWith="ID_GEN"></condition>
            <condition type="include" startsWith="dbo.sekreterya_kisifirma" ></condition>
         <condition type="exclude" startsWith="ID_GEN"></condition>

                <business-package default="">
        <targets catalog-entry="OpenXava"/>


  • without the stacktrace, it is a bit hard to investigate.

    Meanwhile, since you want to use minuteproject with openxava on top of mssql database, I advise you to follow a sample at northwind-db-revisited-with-mp-4-ox.

    It generates an openxava application on top of the famous northwind database.

    To summary the datamodel access configuration, inspire yourself from

    <!-- for Oracle and DB2 please set the schema <schema> </schema> -->
    <primaryKeyPolicy oneGlobal="true">
     <primaryKeyPolicyPattern name="identityPattern"></primaryKeyPolicyPattern>

    Do not forget to set the schema node to dbo