I have pretty simple task - I need to check if submission
was assigned to developer within 2 minutes after it was created. And if not, send an email notifying about it.
App written in Rails4. I decided to use delayed_job gem.
after_create :unassigned_submission_pending_notification
def unassigned_submission_pending_notification
NotificationMailer.unassigned_submissions_pending(self).deliver if developer_id.nil?
handle_asynchronously :unassigned_submission_pending_notification, run_at: Proc.new { 2.minutes.from_now }
In documentation it is said to run RAILS_ENV=production bin/delayed_job start
to make a worker do his job. But in my case this command do nothing, and only when I run rake jobs:workoff
it works.
Any thoughts why?
Thank you!
You can try like this:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec bin/delayed_job start
Or this:
rake jobs:work