I have some ServerResources in my application which are identified by the @Service(name)
annotation. The methods are annotated with the @Get
and @Post
restlet annotations.
Everything worked fine until recently I wanted to add another ServerResource which has to serve a URL pattern with different parameters and request methods, thus I tried to use @RequestMapping
annotation on the methods like:
public class MyResource extends ServerResource {
@RequestMapping(value="/pathToMyResource/{parameter1}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public Representation getResponseForGetRequest(Representation entity) {
//and for the other method:
@RequestMapping(value="/pathToMyResource/{parameter1}/{parameter2}", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public Representation getResponseForPostRequest(Representation entity) {
However my resource is not properly registered with org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanRouter
as it is not found when this URL is requested.
The only way I figured out multiple paths working for one resource is via XML configuration:
<bean name="/pathToMyResource/{parameter1}"
autowire="byName" scope="prototype">
<bean name="/pathToMyResource/{parameter1}/{parameter2}"
autowire="byName" scope="prototype">
and using Restlet annotation for methods:
public class MyResource extends ServerResource {
public Representation getResponseForGetRequest(Representation entity) {
//and for the other method:
public Representation getResponseForPostRequest(Representation entity) {
Do you know how the @RequestMapping
annotation works with Restlet? I would like to avoid XML configuration completely and trying to find a way to get it working with annotations...
As I mentioned I have no problem with resources mapped only to one path like:
public class MyResource extends ServerResource {
This is working fine... only multiple paths mapping causes problems.
Thanks for any help!
from what I see, we don't support annotations taken from Spring framework.
If you want to remove any xml configuration, you can follow two ways: