Originally before I understood long-polling, I had this code:
var updateMessages = function() {
var conv_id = [];
var lastMessages = [];
if($('.rightP').find('.msg .msg_block').length!=0){
$('.rightP').find('.msg .msg_block').each(function(){
if(($('.rightP').find('.msg .msg_block p').length)==0){
}else {
type: "POST",
url: 'create/populate',
data: {
'from': lastMessages,
success: function(messages) {
$.each(messages, function() {
error: function(xhr,textStatus,errorThrown) {
complete: function() {
window.setTimeout(updateMessages, 2000);
dataType: 'json'
However, one person commented that this code isn't long-polling. So I researched and adjusted some codes above like so :
complete: function() {
updateMessages(); //also tried updateMessages;
dataType: 'json'
but it ran into problems such as not polling at all and the messages won't update. How can I adjust my original code to do long-polling? Improvement of code is a bonus. Thank you!
gente note : I don't use web sockets bcoz of legacy browser compatibility issues. I also don't use nodejs because my shared-server does not allow long-running processes.
PHP code (in my controller)
public function index()
$timestamps = Input::get('from'); //timestamp of latest message
$conv_id = Input::get('conv_id');
$allMessages = Messages::whereIn('conv_id',$conv_id);
$messages = $allMessages->orderBy('created_at','desc')->take(10);
$messages = $allMessages->where('created_at','>',end($timestamps));
return $messages->get()->reverse();
Note that the code below only tries to demonstrate how jQuery + PHP long-polling could work. And may have issues such as performance with concurrency, etc. I'm trying to demonstrate a simple long-polling script based on the question.
To be able to scale and support long-polling properly, I would suggest using technologies like Web Sockets that Darren mentioned, Socket.io, and possibly ReactPHP for alternative to node.js.
Client-side javascipt:
var updateMessages = function() {
var conv_id = [];
var lastMessages = [];
// your code to get conv_id and lastMessages here
type: "POST",
url: 'create/populate',
timeout: 30000,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'from': lastMessages,
'conv_id': conv_id
success: function(messages) {
// your success code here
error: function(xhr,textStatus,errorThrown) {
complete: function() {
window.setTimeout(updateMessages, 2000);
Your PHP controller:
public function populate()
$timeout_in_seconds = 20;
$interval_in_seconds = 5;
$start_time = time();
$timeout = false;
$timestamps = Input::get('from'); //timestamp of latest message
$conv_id = Input::get('conv_id');
// While we don't have any new messages, and haven't reached timeout yet.
while (empty($messages) && !$timeout) {
$allMessages = Messages::whereIn('conv_id', $conv_id)
if (empty($timestamps)) {
$messages = $allMessages->take(10)->get()->reverse();
} else {
$messages = $allMessages->where('created_at', '>', end($timestamps))->get()->reverse();
$timeout = (time() - $start_time) > $timeout_in_seconds;
// If there is message or timeout, break out of the while loop and return the messages immediately.
if (!empty($messages) || $timeout) {
return $messages;