I'm working on MPXJ library. I want to get predecessors id from below string. It's complex for me. Please help me get all predecessors id. Thanks.
Task predecessor string:
Task Predecessors:[[Relation [Task id=12 uniqueID=145 name=Alibaba1] -> [Task id=10 uniqueID=143 name=Alibaba2]],
[Relation [Task id=12 uniqueID=145 name=Alibaba3] -> [Task id=11 uniqueID=144 name=Alibaba4]], [Relation [Task id=12 uniqueID=145 name=Alibaba5] -> [Task id=9 uniqueID=142 name=Alibaba6]]]
I need get the predecessors id: 10
, 11
, 9
[Task id=12 uniqueID=145 name=Alibaba1] -> [Task id=10 uniqueID=143 name=Alibaba2]]
To grab those ID's you need to look for the Task id after ->
You can try the following using Matches method.
Regex rgx = new Regex(@"->\s*\[Task\s*id=(\d+)");
foreach (Match m in rgx.Matches(input))
-> # '->'
\s* # whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (0 or more times)
\[ # '['
Task # 'Task'
\s* # whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (0 or more times)
id= # 'id='
( # group and capture to \1:
\d+ # digits (0-9) (1 or more times)
) # end of \1