I have a simple D3 scatterplot that I switch among displaying several different attributes of my data, but while I can get the data points to change (and to transition as I want them to), and can change the labels to the figure's axes, I cannot get the axes themselves to update (let alone transition).
I suspect I'm doing something in the wrong order, or am missing a step, but I can't figure out from the documentation or examples I'm working from what I'm missing.
How do I get my axes to update along with my data?
The mystery arises from the behavior at the end of the linked code:
d3.select("#distancefig").on("click", function () {
updatePlot('distancefig', false);
d3.select("#speedfig").on("click", function () {
updatePlot('speedfig', false);
d3.select("#distspeedfig").on("click", function () {
updatePlot('distspeedfig', false);
updatePlot('distancefig', true);
Here the final, explicit updatePlot
updates everything as expected (and changing the argument changes everything — axes, labels, points — as it should), but the calls invoked by clicking on the links change only the data points and labels; they do not update the axes.
I'm not familiar with how you structured your code, but I would basically put everything that happens with the database inside the d3.csv callback function, so the final part, regarding the functionality of the text, would have the update of the x and y axis with the updated domain, like:
//select the text then add the onclick event
.on("click" function () {
x.domain(d3.extent(dataset, function (d) { return /* your updated value here */); })).nice();
//select the x-axis and then add this:
//then do the same for the y axis
The critical step is to make sure that you select the axes correctly.