I am using grackle gem to get the tweets on rails 3.i am able to get the tweets and show them on the view. Now I want to search the hashtags using this gem. Is it possible. And if yes,then please tell me how because I have already registered to twitter API and got the secret token and I am still trying to modify the code so as to get the hashtags, I already made use of the twitter API and I am able to get the output but how to modify/implement it in my working code.
my tweet.rb file
Class Tweet < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'grackle'
require 'twitter'
require "rubygems"
attr_accessible :content, :created
####Connect to the Twitter API and pull down the latest tweets"""
def self.get_latest
##the call to twitter api works but how to modify this further to use the search api**
tweets = client.search.home_timeline? :screen_name => MY_APPLICATION_NAME # hit the API
##this works on twitter console
def self.client
My view file where I want the user to search the hashtags by using the search button and value filled in the textbox
<fieldset style="height:auto;width:auto">
<%= text_field_tag 'Search', 'Enter your hashtags'%>
<%= button_tag(type: 'button') do
content_tag(:strong, 'Search in twitter!',:id=>"search_button")
Yes, it is possible. If you are not going to save the tweets to a database it is better to create an api so you can call it from any place or put it all inside of a controller.
A benefit of doing so is that you can then use parameters.
Take a look at my code: https://github.com/eflores1975/stock-dashboard/blob/master/app/controllers/tweets_controller.rb
Basically it loads the tweets to an array and then using ActiveSupport::JSON.decode I convert it in a consumable object and start to massage it to suit my needs.
And,finally, I can use it as: http://gentle-tor-3942.herokuapp.com/tweets/get_tweets?symbol=$aapl
Where symbol=$aapl is the hash tag that I am looking for.