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Porting gcc to a new target

I am trying to port gcc to a new target. The target is a new processor we designed our self with a full instruction set. We want to be able to compile c code in gcc for our new processor. To be able to accomplish that we need to port gcc for this specific target. I have read some gcc documents how to do it. So far I have edited/hacked an existing target of gcc and adopted it for our target, meaning gcc will generate assembly code for our specific processor. So I am using gcc to compile gcc for this new target. gcc will then generate a compiler myprocessor-gcc. This compiler will be able to generate assembly code for our target. by using my compiler a feed it with the following:

myprocessor-gcc test.c

test.c looks like:

void __main(void);

void main(void)

void __main(void)
int i = 0;
int i2 = 1;
int i3 = 2;
  i = i2+i3;


gcc was able to compiled this code and generated the correct assembly language I was expected.

So I elaborated my test function to:

void __main(void)
int i = 0;
int i2 = 1;
int i3 = 2;
int i4 = 3;
  i = i2+i3+i4;


After that gcc gives me a segmentation fault. I want to debug this segmentation fault, I need all the debug prints gcc can give me. So when I type:

myprocessor-gcc test.c -g

I want to see some debug prints so that I can debug gcc internally. Sorry if I am not clear, I will elaborate if this is still unclear.


  • You would need to make sure your cross-compiler itself was compiled with the -g option so it has debugging symbols in it. Then run gdb myprocessor-gcc test.c to see where the segmentation fault is happening in your compiler. You will have to learn some gdb commands like run and where.