My GIF image freezes after 5 seconds while my JavaScript code is doing some work. It unfreezes when procesing is finished.
Is there a solution to animate my GIF while the code is executing?
Here's my JavaScript code:
var play = function() {
var image = document.getElementById('img');"block";
for ( var i =0; i < 2000000000; i++ )
//Do nothing, in example
}, 5000);
var stop = function() {
var image = document.getElementById('img');"none";
HTML code:
<img id="img" src="loader.gif" style="display: none;"/>
<button id="Start" onclick="play()">Play</button>
<button id="Stop" onclick="stop()">Stop</button>
I think that in this case you should use webworker elements. They allow you to do some asynchronous operation in the background of the UI elements.
<p>Value passed by the worker: <output id="result"></output></p>
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
worker.onmessage = function (event) {
document.getElementById('result').textContent =;
In a separate file (worker.js):
var n = 1;
search: while (true) {
n += 1;
for (var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 1)
if (n % i == 0)
continue search;
// Found a prime!
Every time that you call postMessage
you send some data from the background (that fires onmessage
event of the worker element ) to the main thread.
Have a look at Using jQuery UI progress bar with MVVM, Knockout and web workers for your case:
In this post I would like to explore:
- How to use the jQuery UI progress bar with KnockoutJS and MVVM pattern, as a simple example of reusing existing JavaScript UI components.
- How to use web workers to execute long running task asynchronously and notify view model about the results and progress.