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DIBS payment gateway callbackURL is very fast

I have integrated the DIBS payment gateway in my PHP code.

To protect against the unwanted closing of the browser, I thought of using callbackUrl. But I realised the call to callbackUrl is happening even before the normal browser returns to the website. So in that way, I have to check whether a callbackUrl is already done or not. But still the SQL data updated by callbackURL is not refreshed.

So I was thinking that if DIBS can delay the callbackURL at least by few minutes, that would solve my problem. Is there any parameter or technique to do so?


  • There aren't any parameters or techniques for this that I know of. The best practice is to use acceptReturnUrl for a visual response to the end-user (if they don't close the browser) and the callbackUrl for all your database updating.

    I would not recommend trusting acceptReturnUrl as this relies on the end-user.
