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Mock in the Middle with C++/Gmock

I have a class A that instantiates an object of class B in its constructor. I want to test A with a mock object of B.

And no, I can not pass object of B as a parameter. Is there any other way?

I saw an article, with "Mock in the Middle" as the interesting topic, but that is in Java. Is it possible in C++?

class B {...};

class A {
    B* b;

    A() {
        b = new B();
    ~A() {..}


In general, the object may be created in some other method, on demand. For example,

class A {
    int doSomething() {
        // Create an object of class B
        b = new B();


  • You can use factory pattern

    given this code

    class B {
        virtual std::string name() { return "B::name"; }
        virtual ~B() {}
    class A {
        std::unique_ptr<B> b;
        A() {}
        void createB() {
            b.reset(new B); // you want to replace `new B` with something else right?
        void print() {
            std::cout << (b ? b->name() : std::string()) << std::endl;
        ~A() {}

    with factory function

    class A {
        std::unique_ptr<B> b;
        std::function<std::unique_ptr<B>()> b_maker;
        A() {
            // default maker
            b_maker = []{ return std::unique_ptr<B>(new B); };
        A(std::function<std::unique_ptr<B>()> func) {
            b_maker = func;
        void createB() {
            b = b_maker();
        void print() {
            std::cout << (b ? b->name() : std::string()) << std::endl;
        ~A() {}

    create A with default B is same


    and now you can supply mocked B with

    A([]{return std::unique_ptr<B>{new MockedB};});

    live demo

    you can also make b_maker to be a global variable so you don't need to pass it around (but I don't recommended to to it)

    you can do it with the complicated way with AbstractBFactory, BFactory, MockBFactory, but it is too much overhead and looks like Java...