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How to mock user interaction ("fromUser=true") with the SeekBar in a Robotium test?

My code distinguishes user and code interactions with the SeekBar using fromUser parameter passed to onProgressChanged() method:

public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int i, boolean fromUser) {

    if (fromUser) {
        // execute only if it was user interaction with the SeekBar

When I'm trying to test my SeekBar with robotium I'm not able to "mock user interaction with the SeekBar":

solo.setProgressBar(mSeekBar, newValue);

onProgressChanged() callback is executed with fromUser == false.

Is it possible to write Robotium test that sets SeekBar's progress and mocks user interaction (fromUser == true) at the same time?



  • You cannot achieve that with method setProgressBar, because it uses setProgress from ProgressBar.setProgress so there is fromUser set to false by default.

    1. solution is to use click on screen - but you actually don't know exactly in which point (% of progress) you hit, if you hit on progress bar at all.

    2. solution is to use reflection - use setProgress method with extra parameter (fromUser), so it will use the protected method. I can help in implementation of that in case you have problems with it.

    3. solution is to ask robotium team to implement method from 2nd point.