CF schema:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
upperId int,
lowerId int,
hour timestamp,
counter text,
succ int,
fail int,
PRIMARY KEY ((upperId, lowerId), hour, counter));
each record is keyed by composite id upperId:lowerid, how can I do multiget with CQL3?
This is not valid:
select * from mytable where (upperid, lowerid) in ((10000, 1), (10000, 2), (20000, 1));
I can't do this either:
select * from mytable where (upperid = 10000 and lowerid in (1, 2)) or (upperid = 20000 and lowerid = 1);
I got error: missing EOF at ')'.
Please help point to effective way to do multiget for composite row key in CQL3.
Thanks, William
CQL does not yet support a logical "or" in select statements.
Instead, in your application your could combine the result sets from the two queries:
select * from mytable where upperid = 10000 and lowerid in (1, 2);
select * from mytable where upperid = 20000 and lowerid = 1;