So I have an element that is dynamically added to the page with Javascript. After it is added, it is granted focus.
I want to examine the element in chrome dev tools, but the issue is that it has a onblur event handler that removes it from the DOM. So basically when I click on the dev tools to select the element, it is removed. An example can be seen here:
<div id="container">
<button id="the_button">Click me to show field</button>
$("#the_button").click(function() {
$elt = $("<input>").attr("type", "text").attr("id", "text_field");
$elt.blur(function() {
In the example I would like to be able to examine the input element that shows up once the button is clicked.
Rightclick the node in the element tree -> Break on... -> Node Removal.
The debugger will now break before the node gets removed.