I'm testing router and have two functions, and I need to test if first function was called and second was not. There is method toHaveBeenCalled
but there is no method to test if function was not called. How can I test that?
I have code like this:
var args, controller, router;
beforeEach(function() {
controller = {
foo: function(name, id) {
args = [].slice.call(arguments);
bar: function(name) {
spyOn(controller, "foo").and.callThrough();
spyOn(controller, "bar").and.callThrough();
router = new route();
router.match('/foo/bar/{{id}}--{{name}}', controller.foo);
router.match('/foo/baz/{{id}}--{{name}}', controller.bar);
it('foo route shuld be called', function() {
it('bar route shoud not be called', function() {
// how to test if bar was not called?
Use the not