When I run my project, localized validation messages located in src/main/resources (when the project is not packaged and run with an IDE-embedded runner) or WEB-INF/classes (when the project is packaged and deployed) are not resolved. I always get the default messages.
Yet, when I am running tests, the messages are resolved properly...
I use vanilla validation (Spring does not interfere).
validator = Validation.byDefaultProvider().configure().messageInterpolator(new LocaleAwareMessageInterpolator(locale)).buildValidatorFactory().getValidator();
LocaleAwareMessageInterpolator extends the standard ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator.
public class LocaleAwareMessageInterpolator extends ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator {
private Locale defaultLocale = Locale.FRENCH;
public LocaleAwareMessageInterpolator(Locale defaultLocale) {
this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;
public String interpolate(final String messageTemplate, final Context context) {
return interpolate(messageTemplate, context, defaultLocale);
public String interpolate(final String messageTemplate, final Context context, final Locale locale) {
try {
return super.interpolate(messageTemplate, context, locale);
} catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) {...}
Should I move them to another location ? Should I set some parameters somewhere to give out the location of the .properties ?
I solved the problem byt passing a PlatformResourceBundleLocator in the ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator constructor. I don't know why the system couln't get the ValidationMessages from WEB-INF/classes (I thought it was automatic), but this works.
public LocaleAwareMessageInterpolator(Locale defaultLocale) {
super(new PlatformResourceBundleLocator("ValidationMessages"));
this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;
Hibernate doc is pretty clear about it. I missed that.