I have a kendo tabstrip which load 3 tab. the first tab loads a kendo panelbar the code is like this
.Items(tabstrip =>
.LoadContentFrom("getgridpanel", "Grid").Selected(true);
.Content(@<text><div class="dr_detail row">
tabstrip.Add().Text("Browse").Encoded(false).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "float:right !important" })
.Content(@<text><div class="dr_detail row">
and the panel inside the first tab is like this:
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%" })
.Items(panelbar =>
panelbar.Add().Text("Invoice Details")
.Content(@<text><div class="col-md-2 dr">
<dt class="text-left ">Invoice #:</dt>
<dd class="text-left ">
<input class="form-control input-sm" type="text" placeholder="Small Input">
panelbar.Add().Text("Payment & Discount");
panelbar.Add().Text("Item Details")
.LoadContentFrom("GetGrid", "Grid", new { grid = Awesome.Web.WebConstants.L_GRID_AGENT });
when the code is like that it works fine... it renders right but when i try to create a kendo masked textbox in the panelbar like this:
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%" })
.Items(panelbar =>
panelbar.Add().Text("Invoice Details")
.Content(@<text><div class="col-md-2 dr">
<dt class="text-left ">Invoice #:</dt>
<dd class="text-left ">
panelbar.Add().Text("Payment & Discount");
panelbar.Add().Text("Item Details")
.LoadContentFrom("GetGrid", "Grid", new { grid = Awesome.Web.WebConstants.L_GRID_AGENT });
this code gives me a javascript error: "TypeError: undefined is not a function in /Grid/getgridpanel"
both the tabstrip and the panel are partial views
any help?? is this possibly a bug or conflict of Kendo UI.???
You can not have nested templates inside your mvc helper method-call. The code where you have your MaskedtextBox is causing the problem. What I have done in the past is create an html helper that returns a kendo control, then added the remainder of my kendo markup that includes the nested items, in the main page, like so:
@MyHelper(parameters).Items(...your code for panel bar here)
Your help method should return type KendoPanelBar. If you need further clarification, let me know. Good luck.