I recently found that the support for static includes <%@include file="reuse.html"%>
and scriptlets have been discontinued with Tomcat 8. I understand why this was done, but I cannot understand how they would remove this feature in it's entirety without providing a similar alternative. Please note that I understand the differences between a dynamic and a static include and that a static include is compiled directly into it's containing page which offers some performance benefits.
Further more is it possible to adjust the compiled jsp's? If I wanted to declare an additional utility or object alongside the servletcontext, request and response on the compiled jsp?
1) JSP Specification 2.3 {http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/jsp-2_3-mrel2-spec/} Includes and scriples are supported
2) Tomcat 8 Supported JSP Specifications 2.3 {http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html}
Tomcat 8 support the includes and scriplets.
Update the description with proper investigation it is going to misleads the Java developers.