Search code examples

How to bring in an html code snippet in gsp page using inline code

when the value of i=0 or i=4, then I want to render the below code so that I can introduce a row.

<%--<div class="row selected-classifieds">
<g:each in="${shortAds?}" var="item" status="i">
    if(i==4 || i==0)
    out << '<div class="row selected-classifieds">'

<div class="col-lg-3">
        <div class="thumbnail">
            <%--<img src="" />--%>
            <img height=100, width=100
                src="${createLink(controller: 'ImageProcessing', action: 'DisplayImage', params: ['id':])}" />

            <div class="caption">
                    <small><a href="#"> ${item?.title}
                    <strong> ${item?.price}
    if(i==4 || i==0)
    out << '</div>'


It is giving me below error message. URI:/Classified/Class:org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsExceptionMessage:startup failed: C__SpringSource_ProjectClassified_Classified_grails_app_views_classified__adthumbnail_gsp: 21: unexpected token: < @ line 21, column 10. out << ^ 1 error


  • You could try:

    <g:each in="${shortAds?.collate(4)}" var="itemset">
        <div class="row selected-classifieds">
            <g:each in="${itemset}" var="item">
                <div class="col-lg-3">
                    <div class="thumbnail">
                        <img height=100, width=100
                             src="${createLink(controller: 'ImageProcessing', action: 'DisplayImage', params: ['id':])}" />
                        <div class="caption">
                            <p><small><a href="#"> ${item?.title}</a></small></p>