How can I create a collection in java me?
I need something like List<Customer> customerList=new List<Customer>
, but List do not exist in java me (at least not in this way)
I tried using Hashtables that supposedly can contain Objects , but when I retrieve a value, the return value is null:
c = (Customer) htCustomer.get(key)
I could use customerList[] = Customer[20]
, but arrays need a size and how am I supposed to know the number of items right from the start??
So the question is , what can I use if I need a list of custom objects in java me?? Something that can grow to accommodate new items.
Thanks in advance.
The closest you can get is java.util.Vector
Vector customerList = new Vector();
customerList.addElement(new Customer(...));
Customer c = (Customer)customerList.elementAt(0);