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Do I need WSDL, DISCO, SVCINFO files to USE a webservice?

I have an ASP.Net website that use some webservices.
For each webservice used by my project I have a folder full of scvmap / disco / wsdl / svcinfo files.

Do these wsdl/disco/svcinfo files need to exist on the web server so that my website can USE the referenced webservice?
Do I need to upload them on my webserver?


  • No, the wsdl/disco/svcinfo files are not needed on the web server for a website to access a wabservice.

    I tried to remove the folder containing those files from the webserver, and the website happily continued to being able to use the webservice.

    Anyway I'm not an expert about webservices. This is the first time I need to deploy something that use a webservice, so, please, take this answer "as-is" :-)