I'm trying to build a small testing app with erlang+mnesia.
I have a user table build from the #user record, as defined here:
-record(user_details, {name, password}).
-record(user, {id, details}).
then I insert a user with that function:
add_sample_data() ->
Mat = #user{
details = #user_details{
name = "mat", password = "mat"
the query [U#user.details || U <- mnesia:table(user)]
return a non empty list.
now I'm trying to build a query which would return a list containing zero record if there is no record with details.name matching Name or the matching record if there is one.
here is the method I use (this one works):
user_exists() ->
Fun = fun() ->
Query = qlc:q([
U#user.details ||
U <- mnesia:table(user)
case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
{atomic, []} -> false;
{atomic, [_User]} -> true
I copied some stuff from this tutorial. A similar problem is solved with mnesia:select
in the mne_fun_query({sport, Sport})
method (slide 19) but now I'd like to do it with qlc.
I tried various combinations but without any success (often failed at compilation time..).
I'm really new to erlang, if you can tell which query should works and explains it a little, that would be greatly appreciated!
here is one version which does not work but maybe explain my problem better
user_exists() ->
Fun = fun() ->
Query = qlc:q([
U#user.details ||
U <- mnesia:table(user),
U#user.details.name == "mat" <<<<< This is the line with the problem
case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
{atomic, []} -> false;
{atomic, [_User]} -> true
and the error I have:
mathieu@evangeneer:~/projects/nopair$ make
Recompile: src/resources/user_resource
src/resources/user_resource.erl:22: syntax error before: '.'
src/resources/user_resource.erl:6: function user_exists/2 undefined make:
*** [erl] Error 1
On the problem line:
U#user.details.name == "mat"
You are attempting to access the user_details
record but not naming it. Try...
(U#user.details)#user_details.name == "mat"
From my experience, the compiler doesn't figure out on its own that #user.details is a #user_details.