I am looking for some assistance, please, to test for the existence of the same buffer in more than one window (on any frame) and whether the window-width
of those windows (containing that particular buffer) are different.
Frame # 1:
Window A -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 55)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 55)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Frame # 2:
Window A -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 55)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Result: (message "The test yielded a positive result -- do something now.")
Frame # 1:
Window A -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Frame # 2:
Window A -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Result: (message "Everything is PERFECT -- do not do anything !!!")
Frame # 1:
Window A -- minor-mode-xyz
-- (= (window-width) 100)
-- (equal (buffer-name) "*TEST*")
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- nothing important to this example
Frame # 2:
Window A -- nothing important to this example
Window B -- nothing important to this example
Window C -- nothing important to this example
Result: (message "Everything is PERFECT -- do not do anything !!!")
Here is an example where the window-width
in both windows is exactly equal, and the minor mode works well.
(source: lawlist.com)
Here is an example where the window-width
in the windows are not equal, and the minor mode goes haywire in any window that does not have focus -- e.g., the horizontal / vertical yellow lines are not drawn correctly. When a situation like this arises, the best way to handle it would probably be to have a test and when it returns positive, disable the yellow horizontal / vertical lines in all windows.
(source: lawlist.com)
The following is just a draft concept idea, but is not yet capable of handling the test that is needed:
(defun test-function (&optional all-frames)
"If the same buffer displays on any frame -- with different `window-width`,
then do something."
(let* (
(wins (window-list (selected-frame) 'no-minibuf))
(bufs (delete-dups (mapcar #'window-buffer wins))))
(dolist (buf bufs)
(with-current-buffer buf
(dolist (win
(get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) 'no-minibuf all-frames))
(select-window win)
(when test-mode
(message "hello-world.")))))))
Here is a function that returns a list of pairs of windows that share the same buffer but have different width:
(defun window-pairs ()
(let (wmap ret)
;; get a list of all windows
(dolist (frame (frame-list))
(dolist (window (window-list frame))
(let* ((buffer (window-buffer window))
(assoc (assoc buffer wmap)))
;; if the window shares the window with some previously
;; visited windows, also compare their widths
(if assoc
(let ((other-windows (cdr assoc)))
(dolist (other-window other-windows)
(unless (= (window-width window) (window-width other-window))
(push (cons window other-window) ret)))
(push (cons buffer (cons window other-windows)) wmap))
(push (cons buffer (list window)) wmap)))))
It finds all windows that share the same buffer, and each time a new window is found whose buffer has been seen before, it iterates over the previous windows to compare their widths with that of the current window.