How do you write a converter for an entity with a compound primary key?
I want to edit the entity with a URl such as `\edit_representative.xhtml?emp_id=12345&project_id=45
I'm using Omnifaces so I have something like this for single primary keys
<o:viewParam name="emp_id" value="#{projectRepEdit.projectRep}"
converterMessage="Bad request. Unknown Project Representative." required="true"
requiredMessage="Bad request. Please use a link from within the system." />
but I how do pass the project_id the employee is working on to the converter
Based on BalusC's answer I used the second option and have the following in my projectRepConverter
String project_id = (String) component.getAttributes().get("project_id");
String emp_id= (String) component.getAttributes().get("emp_id");
ProjectRep prjRep = prjRepRepository.getByEmpIdAndProjectId(emp_id,project_id);
return prjRep;
and in the facelet
<o:viewParam name="project_id" value="#{projectRepEdit.project}"
converterMessage="Bad request. Unknown Project." required="true"
requiredMessage="Bad request. Please use a link from within the system." />
<o:viewParam name="badge" value="#{projectRepEdit.projectRep}"
converterMessage="Bad request. Unknown Project Rep." required="true"
requiredMessage="Bad request. Please use a link from within the system.">
<f:attribute name="project_id" value="#{param.project_id}" />
<f:attribute name="emp_id" value="#{param.emp_id}" />
Neither the <f:viewParam>
nor the <o:viewParam>
supports taking multiple parameters. You'd need to manually grab the parameter. I can think of two basic ways for this:
Either grab it as request parameter in the converter:
String project_id = FacesLocal.getRequestParameter(context, "project_id");
Or pass it as component attribute:
<o:viewParam ...>
<f:attribute name="project_id" value="#{param.project_id}" />
So that you can grab it as follows in the converter:
String project_id = (String) component.getAttributes().get("project_id");
Which way to choose depends on the intented reusability of the converter. For instance, you can with the 2nd way rename the project_id
attribute name to compound_key
or so and make it reusable.