Hi i want to achieve one setup as stated below but facing some issues while configuring the same.
Kaazing JMS edition integration with AMQP 1.0 architecture ( Apache Qpid JMS AMQP 1.0 Client) centered around ActiveMQ. Can you please suggest.
What i have done, is i have copied the lib/ files(.jar) provided with apache Qpid amqp 1.0 client into kaazing`s lib directory now i have to create a connection factory configuration in gateway config.xml. How can i create new configuration and what would i do with old configuration already there in gateway-config.xml
Current Configuration which is connection to ActiveMQ using openwire tcp protocol.
You can comment the default configuration and can use the below configurations to integrate kaazing JMS to active MQ using qpid amqp 1.0 client library. I assume amqp port is set to 5672 only in active-ma configurations and all supported jar libraries are copied into kaazing`s lib directory.
<env.java.naming.factory.initial>org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.jms.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContex tFactory</env.java.naming.factory.initial>
<env.java.naming.provider.url>GATEWAY_HOME/bin/qpid_jndi.properties</env.java.naming.provider. url>