I would like to pull the longitudes and latitudes from an ESRI geometry and concatenate them in to a long string (to be used in an API call).
I am struggling with how to accomplish this
The ESRI documentation for geometry (geometry specs) shows the structure of the object but my API call needs the latitude/longitudes in the following format:
long1,lat1,long2,lat2,long3,lat3 ... long1, lat1
All I have to do is process the long/lats a little bit. Making a very simple example from the ESRI documentation
MyTest = {
"rings": [
[-97.06138, 32.837],
[-97.06133, 32.836],
[-97.06124, 32.834],
[-97.06127, 32.832],
[-97.06138, 32.837]
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 4326
Will give me the rings (the Longitudes/Latitudes) (notice the first long/lat is repeated as the last long/lat)
I cannot seem to figure out how to strip off the [ and ] to create a string with just the longitudes and latitudes. For instance:
myTest2 = MyTest.rings[0]; // get the longitudes and latitudes
myTest3 = JSON.stringify(myTest2);
myTest4 = myTest3.replace("[","");
The replace will strip off one of the brackets but I cannot get it to do a global replace like this post stack javascript replace because my programming environment is all within ColdFusion and I need the quotes around the pattern.
Can someone point out my error please ? Thanks !
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/gunderjt/B5wsK/2/
and join with no parameters delineates with commas automatically