I see examples like:
var result = this._client.Search(s => s
.Query(q=> ....)
.Filter(f=> ....)
But when I use this I get:
The type arguments for method 'Nest.ElasticClient.Search<T>(System.Func<Nest.SearchDescriptor<T>,Nest.SearchDescriptor<T>>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
I have lots of different types and I don't want to create classes for all of them. Can I use NEST and it's search without types like Search<MyType>
I have successfully used Search<dynamic>
to avoid needing to be dependent upon a specific type. Then when I get my results back I can examine them and cast/convert into a specific POCO if desired.
I use something like the following:
var result = client.Search<dynamic>(s => s
.Query(q => ...)
.Filter(f => ...)
foreach (var hit in result.Hits.Hits)
//check hit.Type and then map hit.Source into the appropriate POCO.
// I use AutoMapper for the mapping, but you can do whatever suits you.
if (string.Compare(hit.Type, "myType", StringCompare.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
var myType = AutoMapper.Mapper<MyType>(hit.Source);