How to convert Clob data to Binarystream ?
I can able to find it in 2 steps as of now, 1--> CLOB to String 2---> String to BinaryStream.
I am calling a SQL package which has 1 i/p and 2 o/p and assigning the CLOB output to some variable XYZ, sample is shown below...
Clob XYZ=null;
CallableStatement CalSmt = null;
InputStream ABC = null;
CalSmt = conn.prepareCall("{call package(?,?,?)}");
XYZ = CalSmt.getClob(1);
ABC= **XYZ.getBinaryStream();** <---- this is showing me a error as 'Method "getBinaryStream" not found'
Here XYZ is holding the CLOB data which needs to be converted to Binary Stream and Saved into ABC for further references. Kindly help me out by providing a single method for this plz. Thanks in Advance.
Yes, there's no getBinaryStream
method on Clob
, because it doesn't make sense for there to be one. A clob is character data, not binary data. It makes no more sense to ask a clob for a binary stream than it does to ask a blob for a character stream.
Your approach of converting to a string seems reasonable to me, to be honest, if you really need this conversion. It would be better if you could just avoid it though - if you're storing binary data, use a blob and InputStream
everywhere. If you're storing character data, use a clob and Reader