Is there a way of displaying the last entry of a list with Mustache?
I know it is possible to display an array element by it's index described in this answer:
// use first element of array a
I tried (not that I thought it would work):
Is there something like this in Mustache?
I thought of the following workaround: adding a function to the original object that grabs the last element of the original array.
var template = $('#the-stooges').html();
Mustache.parse( template );
var init_array = {
"stooges": [
{ "name": "Moe" },
{ "name": "Larry" },
{ "name": "Curly" }
var func_var = {
"last_stooge": function () {
var last = this.stooges.length - 1;
return this.stooges[last].name;
$.extend( init_array, func_var ); //
var rendered = Mustache.render( template, init_array );
$('#target').html( rendered );
And the template:
<div id="target">Loading...</div>
<script id="the-stooges" type="x-tmpl-mustache">