I have created an Ecore metamodel and generated an editor through EMF. To generate my output code I parse the resource set (XMI) when a diagram is created and then map these resources to my own Java classes. These Java classes are responsible for generating my output which is some javascript files based on few template files (.stg). Everything works fine but my question is where do technologies such as Xtend/Acceleo come in? Do I need any of them? I know that they are template based but since I have my own templates that are rendered through my Java classes why would I need to use Xtend for example? I am totally confused.
Thank you so much
Xtend is a general purpose language. You could call it a "better Java". This is especially true for templating, because Xtend has nice template expressions. So if you want your generator code to be more readable, you could replace some Java classes with Xtend classes. You don't need to rewrite everything, Xtend interoperates seamlessly with Java. Just rewrite the parts that benefit most from Xtend's rich language features.