So I'm currently having trouble with the finishing touches of my A* Pathfinding, I have all of my necessary helper functions to do so, and I've actually implemented this algorithm in both Javascript and ActionScript, however I am tripping over using Lists in Java.
It comes up with no errors, but I need to get the finishing touches in so I can test to make sure it is functioning properly.
What I need to do is sort the openList so I can retrieve the lowest cost Node, this is where I need the help.
Here is what I have:
public class Pathfinding
List<Node> closedList = new ArrayList<Node>();
List<Node> openList = new ArrayList<Node>();
public Node calculateShortestDistance(List<Integer> tiles, Node start, Node goal, List<Integer> passableTiles)
Node currentNode = new Node(start.row, start.col, start.gCost, start.fCost, null);
while(!catchMeIfYouCan(currentNode, goal))
int row = currentNode.row;
int col = currentNode.col + 1;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//left child
col -= 2;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//top child
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//bottom child
row += 2;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//bottom right
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//bottom left
col -= 2;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//top left
row -= 2;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//top right
col += 2;
addChild(row, col, tiles, passableTiles, currentNode, goal, openList, closedList);
//Put currentNode in the closedList
//Sort the openList
//Assign currentNode to the last element in the List
return currentNode;
Sorting the list is pretty easy. First, you need to make Node Comparable:
class Node implements Comparable<Node>
Then you need to write:
public boolean compareTo(Node other)
That should be an equality test.
Then, you can easily use Collections.sort()