Can I use the code below to feed my adapter? If so, any idea how cause I seem kinda stuck. If not, is there another way to setup the arraylist so I do get 3 options per page without having to make a new class/arraylist for each food. (might be a large amount of classes if thats the only way)
I set it up like this because each button will have a different time value to put trough to the next page.
(in example) If, on the previous page, user selects the item "artichoke" than a new page should load with the 3 buttons mildly, medium & well done (which will also have different boiling times each).
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TimeOneData {
private List<Time> Times = new ArrayList<Time>();
public List<Time> getTimes() {
return Times;
//Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void asparagus() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","6"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","8"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","10"));
//Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void artichoke() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","5"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","7"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","9"));
//Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void beetroot() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","7"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","10"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","13"));
//Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void broadBeans() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","1"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","2"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","3"));
} //Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void broccolli() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","4"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","8"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","12"));
} //Not sure if void is the correct return value here
public void cabbage() {
addItem(new Time ("Mildly","3"));
addItem(new Time ("Medium","6"));
addItem(new Time ("Well Done","9"));
private void addItem(Time item) {
Context: I am a beginner trying to learn Java + android app building. Please try to keep this in mind if you are kind enough to write me an answer! ty!
You should use an Enum to structure your data. As Enums are objects they can have attributes and methods, you can set up a VegetableTime enum having an ArrayList of times attribute.
Then you can use that and if you need a list, you can get them by using VegetableTime.values();
By the way, "Mildly" & co should also be an enum (that could sit in Time class).
Code example, here's a way to define what is a CookingTime with it's two parameters.
public class CookingTime {
public enum Preparation {
private int time;
private Preparation preparation;
CookingTime(Preparation preparation, int time){
this.time = time;
this.preparation = preparation;
And here's a Vegetable with inline creation of the right list for this cooking.
public enum Vegetable {
ASPARGUS(Arrays.asList(new CookingTime(CookingTime.Preparation.MILDLY, 8), new CookingTime(CookingTime.Preparation.WELL_DONE, 15)));
Vegetable(List<CookingTime> cookingTimes){
this.cookingTimes = cookingTimes;
private List<CookingTime> cookingTimes;