I need a button that can add seconds while the timer is running. I got the timer from: https://github.com/johnschult/jquery.countdown360. This is the code that I have to put in my HTML.
radius : 120,
seconds : 30,
fontColor : '#FFFFFF',
autostart : false,
onComplete : function () { console.log('done') }
I tried to make the button myself but no succes.
document.getElementById('add').onclick = function(){
// location.reload();
$("#countdown").countdown360({seconds += 20}).start()
<button id="add">Add</button>
Can someone help me out? Thanks!
The seconds are stored in clock.settings.seconds
var clock = $("#countdown").countdown360({
radius: 60,
seconds: 30,
fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
autostart: false,
onComplete: function () {
$("#countdown").on("click", function() {
clock.settings.seconds += 20;
demo (countdown360.js loaded in firefox but not in chrome)