I'm trying to write a plugin that will extend InheritedResources.
Specifically I want to rewrite some default helpers.
And I'd like it to "just work" once installed, w/o any changes to application code.
The functionality is provided in a module which needs to be included in a right place. The question is where? :)
The first attempt was to do it in my plugin's init.rb:
InheritedResources::Base.send :include, MyModule
It works in production, but fails miserably in development since InheritedResource::Base declared as unloadable
and so its code is reloaded on each request. So my module is there for the first request,
and then its gone.
InheritedResource::Base is 'pulled' in again by any controller that uses it:
Class SomeController < InheritedResource::Base
But no code is 'pulling in' my extension module since it is not referenced anywhere except init.rb which is not re-loaded on each request
So right now I'm just including the module manually in every controller that needs it which sucks. I can't even include it once in ApplicationController because InheritedResources inherites from it and so it will override any changes back.
I'm not looking for advice on how to 'monkey patch'. The extension is working in production just great. my problem is how to catch moment exactly after InheritedResources loaded to stick my extension into it :)
another attempt at clarification:
the sequence of events is
I need to catch the point in time between g and h
The Rails::Configuration, config
in the environment files, allows registering a callback on the dispatcher that runs before each request in development mode, or once when in production mode.
config.to_prepare do
# do something here
The problem is, I don't think your plugin has access to config
when the init.rb file is run. Here is a way to register your callback directly in the dispatcher. Just put this in the init.rb file.
require 'dispatcher'
::Dispatcher.to_prepare do
puts "hi there from a plugin"
Warning: I don't know what side effects this may have. If possible, try to get access to config
and register the callback tha right way.