I'm using JRI as a calculation slave for statistics from within Java. R computations are required from time to time, but not too frequently. Thus, i decided to create a wrapper method for the computation which creates a new REngine instance and also closes it by the end. Everything works like a charm when calling the method the first time. Unfortunately, calling it a second time triggers the error "R is already initialized".
private static Rengine createEngineInstance(){
//Initialise R Engine.
Rengine re=new Rengine (new String [] {"--vanilla"}, false, new CallbackListener());
//Wait until REngine-thread is ready
if (!re.waitForR())
System.err.println ("Cannot load R. Is the environment variable R_HOME set correctly?");
return re;
Wrapper method:
public static void performR(){
//Create instance of R engine
Rengine re = createEngineInstance();
//Perform some R operations
Obviously, the REngine instance is not terminated correctly. Thus, I need to know: 1) Is there a chance to terminate the REngine and create a new instance later again? How does this work correctly? I know that it is impossible to run multiple R threads at the same time with JRI, but this is not what I'm aiming for. 2) If this is not the case, I would create one instance using the Singleton pattern. How can I ensure in this case that the R session gets closed when the program terminates?
Your help is really appreciated! Thanks!
according to JRI Javadoc....
Only one Rengine Instance can be used, and Rengine.end() function has some problems...
you should not use code like this
Rengine engine = new Rengine(new String[] {"--vanilla"}, false, null);
you can use Rengine with this code
Rengine engine = Rengine.getMainEngine();
if(engine == null)
engine = new Rengine(new String[] {"--vanilla"}, false, null);