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Is there a way to get (*pointer)[ index ] functionality from something more terse?

I have a class to represent a one dimensional spectrum. The underlying datatype is a simple array of floats. To manipulate elements of the spectrum I overloaded the subscript operators as follows:

class OneDSpectrum
    float& operator[](int index);
    const float& operator[](int index) const;
    int numChannels;
    float* histogram;

Unfortunately, almost all uses of this class are as pointers so I have the somewhat annoying (*pointerToSpectrum)[ index ] notation to deal with now.

I had two initial ideas:

My first idea was to overload the subscript operator for OneDSpectrum*, but that just looks like a basket full of potential issues and trouble.

My second idea was to make some sort of custom smart pointer for OneDSpectrums.

So my question is this: Is it reasonable to do SmartPointerToSpectrum[ index ] to get (*pointerToSpectrum)[ index ] functionality? Or should I just deal with using a lot of (*pointerToSpectrum)[ index ]?


  • Unfortunately, almost all uses of this class are as pointers

    Have you considered using references instead?

    void foo(OneDSpectrum* a, OneDSpectrum& b)
        (*a)[0] = 42;
        b[0] = 97;
    int main()
        OneDSpectrum x;
        OneDSpectrum y;
        foo(&x, y);