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Stop IBM RAD from restarting applications on code change.

I'm using IBM RAD 9.0 with WebSphere 8.5. I've opened the server options and selected 'Never publish automatically' under 'Publishing'.

However, if I make any bigger changes in code, IBM RAD is restarting the application. If I made some changes in libraries project used by every applications, RAD is restarting all the applications. Even if I start external maven build, he keeps restarting applications (to make matters worse, he builds the project paralell to maven, often causing conflicts).

It takes a lot of time, and what is even worse, it simply doesn't work. Restarted appllications don't start correctly, can't connect to crucial services (like JSF engine, or LDAP authorization), or even don't see their own classes! So I must republish manually, which often requires doing additional clean.

As a result, before making any significant change in code, like refactoring or changing the shared API, I have to stop the websphere.

Is there any way to override that behaviour? I've expected, that selecting 'Never publish automatically' should be enough, but apparently it doesn't stop RAD/WebSphere from restarting the applications when THEY find it necessary.


  • The safest options to prevent application restarts are as follows:

    • In the Server properties (dbl click on server) set:
      • on Publishing tab set - Never publish automatically
      • on Publishing settings for WebSphere set - Run server with resources on Server

    Otherwise, if resources are changed and you run 'from workspace' server may decide to restart app.

    If you are building using maven then disable automatic build in menu Project > Build Automatically.

    If you plan to make many changes or your app is not working, you can always remove project from the server, do changes and then add project to the server instead of restarting server.