I used on touch event to find the touched position by the user.I used the following code
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
float x=event.getX();
float y=event.getY();
Log.d("MULTIPLE", "X=" + x + " Y=" + y);
return true;
And according to the position some methods are called.
When i tested in different devices the x and y values changed.Is there any way to get a unique value for x and y across all devices
I solved this in the following way
The mid point of the device can be find out this way
X=devicewidth * 0.5
Y=deviceHeight * 0.5
Call 0.5 as heightFactor and widhtFactor
Any other points in the device have its own heightFactor and widhtFactor
We get X and Y value from onTouch event (event.getX() and event.getY())
So to find heightFactor and widhtFactor
heightFactor =X/deviceHeight
thus we get heightFactor and widhtFactor for each point which will be same for all device