I'm a newbie in Coldfusion. I'm trying to change a string that looks like "Jun 11, 2014, 8:50 PM" to "Jun 11, 2014". I tried to use
<cfset album[currentrow]['date'] = ListGetAt(album[currentrow]['date'], 2, ",")>
It gives me 2014. If I change 2 to 1, I get Jun 11. Can someone please give me some advice on if there's a method to extra everything before the second ","? Your help is greatly appreciated.
If you can guarantee that the string is always formed of three comma-separated parts, and the date is always the first two, then you can do this:
dateTimeString = "Jun 2, 2014, 6:20 PM";
dateString = listDeleteAt(dateTimeString, 3);
date = parseDateTime(dateString);
dateFormattedForOutput = dateFormat(date, "mmm d, yyyy");
Note that you should only ever use dateFormattedForOutput
for output; if you're storing the date or manipulating it, use date