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in JavaScript, how to wrap a promise in timeout?

It's a common pattern to implement timeout of some asynchronous function, using deffered/promise:

// Create a Deferred and return its Promise
function timeout(funct, args, time) {
    var dfd = new jQuery.Deferred();

    // execute asynchronous code
    funct.apply(null, args);

    // When the asynchronous code is completed, resolve the Deferred:

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, time);
    return dfd.promise();

Now we can execute some asynchronous function called myFunc and handle timeout:

// Attach a done and fail handler for the asyncEvent
$.when( timeout(myFunc, [some_args], 1000) ).then(
    function(status) {
        alert( status + ', things are going well' );
    function(status) {
        alert( status + ', you fail this time' );

OK, let's make a twist in this story! Imagine that the myFunc itself returns a promise (NOTE: promise NOT deferred and I can't change it):

function myFunc(){
    var dfd = new jQuery.Deffered();
       if(data.length < 5){
            dfd.reject('too few data');
    }, {'error_callback': function(){
        dfd.reject("there was something wrong but it wasn't timeout");}
    return dfd.promise();

Now if I wrap myFunc in timeout, I will loose the ability to handle errors different then timeout. If myFunc emit progress events, I will loose this as well.

So the question is: how to modify timeout function so it can accept functions returning promises without loosing their errors/progress information?


  • function timeout(funct, args, time) {
        var deferred = new jQuery.Deferred(),
            promise = funct.apply(null, args);
        if (promise) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, time);
        return deferred.promise();