I am having problem when I am trying to run the following verilog code snippet in Optimized mode using Modelsim simulator v10.2c.
always @ *
if (dut.rtl_module.enable == 1'b1)
force dut.rtl_module.abc_reg = xyz;
If the above snippet is run in non-optimized mode, this works fine. But for optimized mode, it fails.
PS: I am using -O5 optimization level
Optimisation typically disables access to simulator objects. Your force
command requires that access.
You'll need to explicitly enable access. Unfortunately I can't see anything useful in the Modelsim AE documentation, however from Riviera-PRO:
Enables access to design structure. This is the default in -O0,
-O1 and -O2 and may optionally be specified for -O3. If omitted,
the compiler may limit read access to selected objects.
Modelsim supports +acc
, it just doesn't appear to be well documented. The only reference appears to be this suggestion:
While optimization is not necessary for class based debugging, you might want to use
vsim -voptargs=+acc=lprn to enable visibility into your design for RTL debugging.