Hey im trying to write to a file but im getting an error on the line where it writes the line that goes into each line of a text file, cant figure it out any help would be greatly appreciated The Writer Code .
public static void stuIDWrite() throws IOException
Writer writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream("Res/stuIDSorted.txt")));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// report
} finally {
try {writer.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}
int i = 0;
while (i <= stuArrayIdSort.length + 1)
ln = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuLastName();
fn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
pn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
id = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuId();
ft = stuArrayIdSort[i].getFTime();
phn =stuArrayIdSort[i].getPhoneNum();
lj = stuArrayIdSort[i].getLovJava();
con = stuArrayIdSort[i].getCont();
writer.write(ln + "," + fn + "," + pn + ","+ id + "," + ft + "," + phn + "," + lj + "," + con + "\n");
The Full Code
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class StudentMain {
* @param args
//array and sorting variables
public static studentConstructor[] stuArrayOrig = new studentConstructor[23];
private static studentConstructor[] stuArrayIdSort = new studentConstructor[23];
private static studentConstructor[] stuArrayNameSort = new studentConstructor[23];
private static int lineCount = 0;
private static int nElms = 0;
//studentConstructor variables
public static String fn; //First Name
public static String ln; //Last Name
public static String pn; //Preferred Name
public static int id; //Student Id Number
public static boolean ft;//Full-time Boolean
public static int phn; //Student Phone Number
public static boolean lj;//Loving java Boolean
public static String con;//Continuing
File idSort = new File("stuListSortID.txt");
public static void StuRead()
Scanner inFile = null;
inFile = new Scanner
(new FileReader("Res/students.txt"));
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("File Not Found");
while (inFile.hasNextLine()){
inFile.useDelimiter(",|\\n"); //breaks the lines into single info
ln = inFile.next();
fn = inFile.next();
pn = inFile.next();
id = inFile.nextInt();
ft = inFile.nextBoolean();
phn = inFile.nextInt();
lj = inFile.nextBoolean();
con = inFile.next();
studentConstructor st = new studentConstructor(ln, fn, pn, id, ft, phn, lj, con);
stuArrayOrig[lineCount] = st;
//setting info into other arrays
stuArrayIdSort = stuArrayOrig;
stuArrayNameSort = stuArrayOrig;
System.out.println("orig array length" + stuArrayOrig.length);
System.out.println("id array length" + stuArrayIdSort.length);
System.out.println("name array length" + stuArrayNameSort.length);
System.out.println("number of file lines" + lineCount);
public static void stuIdSort()
studentConstructor temp;
boolean sorted = false;
while (sorted == false)
{ sorted=true;
for (int i=0; i<stuArrayIdSort.length-1 ; i++)
if(stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuId() > stuArrayIdSort[i+1].getStuId())
temp = stuArrayIdSort[i+1];
stuArrayIdSort[i+1] = stuArrayIdSort[i];
stuArrayIdSort[i] = temp;
for(int i=0; i<stuArrayIdSort.length; i++)
int getSC = stuArrayIdSort[i].studentId;
System.out.println("number of swaps " + i+1 +" " +getSC);
public static void stuIDWrite() throws IOException
Writer writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream("Res/stuIDSorted.txt")));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// report
} finally {
try {writer.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}
int i = 0;
while (i <= stuArrayIdSort.length + 1)
ln = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuLastName();
fn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
pn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
id = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuId();
ft = stuArrayIdSort[i].getFTime();
phn =stuArrayIdSort[i].getPhoneNum();
lj = stuArrayIdSort[i].getLovJava();
con = stuArrayIdSort[i].getCont();
writer.write(ln + "," + fn + "," + pn + ","+ id + "," + ft + "," + phn + "," + lj + "," + con + "\n");
public static void stuNameSort()
public static void stuNameWrire()
//lastName, firstName, perName, studentId, fulltime,
Ok, here is what you should do:
What's happening is that you are closing it before it can actually do anything. So, lets move your finally clause to the end of everything:
public static void stuIDWrite() throws IOException
Writer writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream("Res/stuIDSorted.txt")));
int i = 0;
while (i <= stuArrayIdSort.length + 1)
ln = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuLastName();
fn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
pn = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuFirstName();
id = stuArrayIdSort[i].getStuId();
ft = stuArrayIdSort[i].getFTime();
phn =stuArrayIdSort[i].getPhoneNum();
lj = stuArrayIdSort[i].getLovJava();
con = stuArrayIdSort[i].getCont();
writer.write(ln + "," + fn + "," + pn + ","+ id + "," + ft + "," + phn + "," + lj + "," + con + "\n");
} catch (IOException ex) {
// report
} finally {
try {writer.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}