I'm trying to link to an URL and it results in about:blank, but only in Chromium, not Firefox. I know that it worked, because I have an old website where it worked, but it doesn't with an up-to-date Chromium.
Here is some Code.
<!-- PrettyPhoto -->
<a href="img_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" title="Description"><img src="thumb_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" alt="2014-05-01 10:52 <a href="2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" target="_blank">(Original size)</a>" width="67" height="100" /></a>
It is supposed to open the image in PrettyPhoto gallery (which it does) and then write "DATE (Original size)" as title. Firefox opens the full size image on click, Chromium just about:blank.
Same with OpenLayers: I add a layer with
var photos = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text("Photos", {location:"./gpx_photos.txt", projection: epsg4326});
Example line from gpx_photo.txt:
lon lat title description icon iconSize
-79.0536638888889 43.1594277777778 2014-05-01 <html><a href="2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="lmap_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" width="121" height"180" /></a></html> map_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg 14,20
Same result: Firefox opens the full-size image, Chromium just about:blank.
Chromium version: chromium 35.0.1916.114-1 Firefox version: 29.0.1-2
Unfortunately, I don't remember the working Chromium version, but the old website is circa 1 year old => it worked then.
Do you see a mistake on my site, or know a workaround? Thanks for your help.
So, I found the solution: the links must look like this to work in Chromium, too: (notice the ./ in front of the image)
<!-- PrettyPhoto -->
<a href="./img_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" title="Description"><img src="./thumb_2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" alt="2014-05-01 10:52 <a href="./2014-05-01T10:52:46.jpg" target="_blank">(Original size)</a>" width="67" height="100" /></a>
I updated the example page, so that the first gallery element doesn't work but the second does.