I have several style definitions in my App.xaml file. Like this:
<Application x:Class="MyClient.App" ... >
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="color1" Color="#FF7D7D" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="color2" Color="#FF7D7E" />
<Style x:Key="styleFor1" TargetType="charting:ColumnDataPoint">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource color1}" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:ColumnDataPoint">
<GradientStop Color="#ffff3737" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="#80000000" Offset="1" />
<ContentControl Content="VALUES:" FontWeight="Bold" />
<ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding FormattedIndependentValue}" />
<ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding FormattedDependentValue}" />
I generate a chart. And give its DataPointStyle this:
Style dpStyle = Application.Current.Resources["styleFor1"]
after that, I would like to add some more Setters to this dpStyle. And when it is done I set the chart's DataPointStyle to this dpStyle. And then I got the exception. What should I do? Please guide me.
Exception details (might needed):
InvalidOperationException was unhandled
{"After a 'SetterBaseCollection' is in use (sealed), it cannot be modified."}
TargetSite: {Void CheckSealed()}
I figured out the solution. I had to use this overload of the consturctors of the Style class:
public Style(Type targetType, Style basedOn);
Simply passing it the Style from the Application.Current... solves the problem. Cool.