I'm having a issue with something very simple. I am just wondering as to I can store these functions within an array. Check out some of the code below. I am unsure as to if this is correct as to how I am storing these functions. I am unsure as to if these functions should be within a object literal or array.This is not necessarily for a project, just good practice. Thanks!
//declaring a function
function alert_name(){
//declaring variables within a function asking user their name.
var username = prompt("Hey there, what is your name."," ");
//generating user input
var chameleon = "Welcome " + username;
//alert("Welcome " + chameleon+ ", This is 'the website");
// inserting quotes into a string that is being alerted from the browser.
function otherTHings(){
var single = 'He said \'RUN\' ever so softly.';
//running these functions and actually carry out the operations
//that have actually been declared into code above.
//string operations
function string_opertaions(){
var complete = "Com" + "plete";
// using combinators to do the same thing.
var sentance1 = "My name is";
var sentance2 = "someone";
var totalsenatces = sentance1 += sentance2;
//Booleans or true false values
function booleanys(){
var lying = false;
var truthful = true;
//Arrays very important. very similar to a object literal but different.
//Arrays store information or values or varibales/data.
var rack = [];
rack[0] = alert_name();
rack[1] = otherTHings();
rack[2] = string_opertaions();
rack[3] = booleanys();
You are invoking the function and storing the result!
var rack = [];
rack[0] = alert_name;
rack[1] = otherTHings;
rack[2] = string_opertaions;
rack[3] = booleanys;