<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<InstanceInfos Name="i-82c61ac1">
<InstanceInfos Name="i-83c61ac0">
Hello, I am looking a way to edit a specified value with Xelement by specify the attribute (ex: i-82c61ac1).
(Actually i know how to load xml file and add Elements, but i am stuck for editing value specified by Attributs.)
for exemple i want to edit <MaxTime>38</MaxTime>
but only under <InstanceInfos Name="i-82c61ac1">
Thank for your help,
Best regards.
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load("file.xml");
XElement result = xDoc.Descendants("InstanceInfos")
.Where(x => x.Attribute("Name")
.Value == "i-82c61ac1")
result.Value = "Foo";