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Emacs org-mode markdown export: #+TITLE option not exported

I use the great org-mode to easily push modifications of to GitHub projects. Markdown export works great, except for the #+TITLE option not being exported to Markdown - which works flawlessly for HTML export.

I want to keep the file name for convenient converting to Markdown, else I could have chosen the title as file name, which displays the title correctly on GitHub.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?


  • Based on your question and subsequent comments, you seem to want to achieve three things:

    1. Define a custom title that gets exported as a top-level headline.

    2. Insert the TOC after the title.

    3. The TOC should not include the title.

    Custom location for TOC

    Inserting the TOC at a custom location is easy, so let's start with that: Add

    #+OPTIONS: toc:nil

    to the export options at the top of By itself, this tells org-mode not to include the default TOC when exporting. You can then place the TOC where you want it to go by inserting

    #+TOC: headlines

    at the desired location. (This method is not specific to Markdown export.)

    Custom title that doesn't show up in TOC

    Defining a custom title that is not included in the TOC is a bit trickier, but the basic idea is to exclude the title from the TOC by formatting it as a Markdown headline instead of an org headline. As a first step, change to look like this:

    #+OPTIONS: toc:nil
    # Emacs als Python-Power-Editor für den RasPi
    #+TOC: headlines
    * Wieso nur ausgerechnet Emacs???

    Out of the box this won't yield the desired results because org will interpret the title as a comment and by default the Markdown exporter is configured to ignore comments. However, in order to change the default behavior you can

    1. define a custom transcoder for comments in your .emacs:

      (defun org-md-comment (comment contents info)
        "Transcode COMMENT object into Markdown format.
      CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
        (format "# %s" (org-element-property :value comment)))
    2. redefine the Markdown export backend to make use of this transcoder:

      (org-export-define-derived-backend 'md 'html
        ;; ...
        :translate-alist '((bold . org-md-bold)
                           (code . org-md-verbatim)
                           (comment . org-md-comment) ;; <--- Use custom transcoder
                           (comment-block . (lambda (&rest args) ""))
                           ;; ...

      The original definition of the backend can be found in the file ox-md.el; this file is located in the directory of your org-mode installation. You'll need to copy the full definition to your .emacs file and change the line

      (comment . (lambda (&rest args) ""))

      as shown above.


    With these customizations the resulting file looks like this:

    # Emacs als Python-Power-Editor für den RasPi
    <div id="table-of-contents">
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
    <div id="text-table-of-contents">
    <li><a href="#sec-1">1. Wieso nur ausgerechnet Emacs???</a></li>
    <li><a href="#sec-2">2. Die Maus ist tot, es leben die shortcuts!</a></li>
    <li><a href="#sec-3">3. Auf den Emacs, fertig, los!</a></li>
    # Wieso nur ausgerechnet Emacs???