I have to write xls formula that will sum few cells from one column. The output in xls of that formula look that:
I've created that formula in org.apache.poi library.
Cell cell = rowSum.createCell(j);
// column number like (A or B) in excel to use in formula
String x = CellReference.convertNumToColString(j);
// for total sum row
String totalSumFormula = "SUM(";
for(int s=0; s<sumRowNumbers.size(); s++) {
int tempSumRowNumber = sumRowNumbers.get(s);
totalSumFormula += (x + tempSumRowNumber);
if(s+1 != sumRowNumbers.size()) {
totalSumFormula += ";";
} else {
totalSumFormula += ")";
but unfortunatelly I am getting an error that I cant understand:
[FormulaParseException: Parse error near char 6 ';' in specified formula 'SUM(F5;F9;F13;F16)'. Expected ',' or ')']
Can You give me any advise? How to deal with it?
Hey i found solution for my problem. I've should use seperator: "," instead of ";".
Now it works like a charm. Proper generated formula in library:
which generates formula in excel file: